
Understanding Acromegaly

Acromegaly is a chronic condition caused by excessive growth hormone (GH) production in the pituitary gland. This hormone imbalance leads to abnormal bone and tissue growth, affecting various parts of the body. While Acromegaly is a rare condition, its impact on overall health and quality of life can be significant.

Symptoms of Acromegaly

Acromegaly symptoms typically develop slowly over time. Common signs and symptoms include:

Enlarged hands and feet: Changes in shoe or ring size may be one of the first noticeable signs.

Facial changes: Enlarged facial features, such as the nose, lips, or jaw, can alter one’s appearance.

Joint pain: The abnormal growth of tissues can cause joint pain and limited mobility.

Organ enlargement: Internal organs, including the heart, can become enlarged and impact their function.

Skin changes: Thickened, oily skin and skin tags may appear.

Vision problems: Pressure on the optic nerves can lead to vision impairment or loss.

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Causes of Acromegaly

The primary cause of Acromegaly is usually a benign tumor called a pituitary adenoma, which occurs in the pituitary gland. This tumor stimulates the excess production of growth hormone, leading to the development of Acromegaly. Rarely, Acromegaly can result from tumors in other parts of the body or genetic factors.

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Treatment Options for Acromegaly

Acromegaly treatment aims to normalize growth hormone levels, alleviate symptoms, and prevent complications. The main treatment options include:

Surgery: Transsphenoidal surgery is often the initial treatment to remove the pituitary tumor causing excess hormone production.

Medications: Medications, such as somatostatin analogs or growth hormone receptor antagonists, may be used to regulate hormone levels and control symptoms.

Radiation therapy: In some cases, radiation therapy is employed to target and shrink pituitary tumors that cannot be completely removed surgically.

Hormone replacement therapy: If hormone deficiencies occur after treatment, hormone replacement therapy may be necessary.

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