Spinal Conditions


Cervical Disc Herniation

When the soft gel-like substance inside a spinal disc protrudes outwards, often into the spinal canal, it results in a condition known as a herniated disc. This condition can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area.

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Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical Myelopathy is a condition that affects the spinal cord and can lead to neurological issues. It can be caused by various factors such as spinal trauma, infections, inflammation, tumors, degenerative spinal disorders, and herniated discs. Early detection of the root cause is crucial to avoid further complications and seek the appropriate treatment.

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Degenerative Disc Disease

DDD is a group of spinal conditions caused by intervertebral disc deterioration that may lead to chronic back pain, reduced mobility, and related symptoms. Accurate diagnosis and treatment are crucial to improve patient outcomes.

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Foot Drop Injury

Foot drop is a condition where the front part of the foot drags while walking. It can be caused by nerve damage, muscle weakness, or spinal cord injury. Diagnosis is made through physical examination and testing. Treatment options include physical therapy, ankle-foot orthoses, and surgery in severe cases.

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain can be caused by poor posture, improper lifting, lack of exercise, arthritis, a ruptured disk, or a fracture. Identifying the underlying cause is important for proper treatment and to prevent further injury. Seeking medical advice and adopting healthy habits can alleviate low back pain and improve overall well-being.

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Lumbar Disc Herniation

A herniated disc is a common condition that affects the spinal column, resulting in pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area. It can occur in any part of the spine but is most common in the lower back and neck. Treatment options range from conservative measures such as rest, physical therapy, and medication to more invasive procedures such as surgery.

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Sciatica is a condition characterized by pain that travels along the Sciatic Nerve, which originates in the lumbar spine and extends down each leg, through the hips and buttocks. The most common symptom of Sciatica is a sharp pain that radiates along the hip and into the leg, typically on one side of the body. This condition can be aggravated by activities such as standing, sitting, coughing, sneezing, or sudden movements, which can intensify the pain along the Sciatic nerve.

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Scoliosis or Spinal Deformity

Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves sideways, causing discomfort and physical deformity. It’s most commonly seen during the pre-pubertal growth spurt, and genetics may play a role. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage symptoms and prevent progression.

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Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis refers to the condition of narrowing of the canal that accommodates the spinal cord or spinal nerve roots. This narrowing may lead to the compression or irritation of the spinal cord or the nerve roots. Typically, spinal stenosis arises due to the natural aging process, but in some cases, it can also be a result of trauma or arthritis. If left untreated, spinal stenosis can result in symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area.

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Spinal Trauma and Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord is traumatized due to various reasons such as accidents, sports injuries, falls, and other traumatic incidents. These injuries can either occur suddenly and severely or gradually over time. If left untreated, the symptoms of spinal cord injuries can worsen over time, leading to serious complications.

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Spinal Tumor or Cancer

A spinal tumor refers to an unusual growth of tissue in or around the spinal cord or spinal column. These cells tend to grow and divide without any regulation, unlike normal cells. Spinal tumors can be classified as benign, which are non-cancerous, or malignant, which are cancerous.

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Spondylolisthesis is when a spinal vertebra slips out of position and puts pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. It causes pain, numbness, and weakness. Causes include degenerative changes, trauma, or genetic predisposition. Athletes and children in high-impact sports are at higher risk.

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